If you’re like me, your kids are home from school for the next several weeks. Schools have closed to help slow down the transmission of the virus. So here we are, at home with our kids for the next several weeks. What should you do?
Let’s break it down to the basics. Regardless if this is spring break, summer vacation, or a zombie apocalypse, structure and routine are key. Kids need both to help them stay emotionally happy and healthy.
Structure- Rules, rewards, and consequences that are implemented regularly in daily life. This is like the “bones” of your child’s daily life. Much like the human body, without a skeletal structure, we would just be piles of skin and muscle on the floor.
Routine- The order in which your child lives their daily life. It’s the sequence of events, activities they engage in, and overall schedule that has been set for them. This is like the “meat” of your child’s daily life. Similar to our bodies, without ligaments, tendons, and muscles, our bones would be unable to move, making it impossible for us to walk, run, or even wiggle our toes.
Your kids need both in their lives right now. The more “ordinary” you can make their lives feel, the better for them. Having a consistent structure and routine allows your kids to feel less anxious and fearful. Uncertainty is a breeding ground for anxiety.
Think of yourself right now. Not knowing what is going to happen next probably has you feeling keyed up, on edge, or even panicked. Your children are no different. They might very well be happy about “no school” for a few weeks, but don’t be mistaken, their subconscious mind is absorbing everything right now. And this, eventually, will produce that uncertainty, which will give way to anxiety, disruptive behavior, and so on.
Do yourself AND your child a favor, and help them regain a since of normalcy. Here’s how:
1. If you don’t have a daily routine, create one! Here is the routine I created for my daughter while we are sheltering-in-place. Feel free to adjust it however you need to for your family. If you have any questions, send me an email. I'm super happy to help!
